Alchemy of practice

Alchemy of practice

I love a quote that I heard a long time ago … “Our practice meets us where we are and does not leave us where it found us.” … and I have found that universally my practice of yoga, meditation, pranayama leaves me in a more centred, comfortable, balanced, clear, and...
A Pause

A Pause

As the year comes to an end at the studio, things wrap up, schools break for the holidays the pace picks up and there is a lot of stress in the air. Taking the time to pause is invaluable. The Kanchukas in yoga philosophy are the cloaks obscuring the truth of who we...
Adaptability & Resilience

Adaptability & Resilience

  I spent the wild weather weekend in Melbourne at a workshop exploring “Movement Situations” to provoke and increase creative movement adaptability and resilience. It was all about inviting and developing tolerance to the unpredictable, inviting the not knowing and...
strength of heart

strength of heart

I write this after having returned from a sudden trip to the United States where we spent last precious time with and witnessed the passing of our Aunt Ellen. Just the previous week I had delivered classes with the theme of strength of heart. Our practice of yoga...
You are light in form

You are light in form

I love the idea yoga offers that we are light in form. Prakasa is the source light and Vimarsha the power by which we know ourselves (and everything else) as a unique expression of that light. I had a teacher liken this idea to the light that shines through a crystal,...