I spent the wild weather weekend in Melbourne at a workshop exploring “Movement Situations” to provoke and increase creative movement adaptability and resilience. It was all about inviting and developing tolerance to the unpredictable, inviting the not knowing and in the process learning (in a visceral way), increasing experience of ‘proprioceptive variability’ (proprioception is sensing oneself in space), expanding ‘sensory-motor refinement’ (term from Fascial Fitness). I went into it the weekend somewhat fearful and apprehensive as it stated that we would be exposed to difficulty and challenge. I was not sure if I was up for that! I didn’t want to be injured, or feel out of my depth in a room full of circus people, martial artists, and dancers. I did feel out of my depth and it was one of the best things I’ve done in this year of ‘shaking things up’. Doing something other than ‘the usual’ movement pattern, cultivating a stable moving centre so we can be free to confidently and mindfully respond to life. I’m thinking a lot about ageing and how we can continue to thrive as the decades tick by. To remain adaptable, fluid, strong, our nervous systems need to be challenged. I intend to continue to be willing to get off balance and find a way to recover, and to learn something in the process. I have returned feeling more acutely alive and somehow softer, more confident and curious in my own embodiment.
Our bodies are intelligent! Our fascia is like a diffuse brain throughout our body. For many of us I don’t think we challenge and use this brain enough … so thats what we did this classes at Yoga from the Heart this week … a different room setup (challenges me more than participants I think!), some stability challenges, closed eyed balances, cross lateral movements. Let’s keep exploring …

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