about aligned living tasmania
aligned living is living with congruence and allegiance to the life force as it moves through you as you. It is remembering that you are whole, wise, and worthy, simply by being, that your contribution is needed and valuable. aligned living is recognising that the same light that shines in your eyes shines in the world and that what you are seeking is right here, in this moment.

about clare raffety
I began practicing yoga in 1981 in New Zealand, and teaching yoga in 1991. My first yoga class, at 17 years old, highlighted a territory I wanted to explore, and the journey continues. I consider myself a life-long student, studying and calibrating my practice and teaching as best I can to current understanding of the body, mind, and heart. I have trained in yoga therapy, fascial fitness, acupressure, craniosacral therapy, yoga philosophy, and meditation with some of the worlds most renowned teachers. In 2002 I founded Yoga from the Heart in Hobart, Tasmania, and grew and directed it until 2019. I have been fortunate to lead numerous workshops, and teacher trainings over the years. In 2020 I was appointed as an Lecturer at the University of Tasmania working with postgraduate students to develop mindfulness, self-awareness and self-regulation. At the heart of what I offer is a strong calling to help others access their innate wisdom and potential for vitality so they can thrive and contribute their gifts in our world.

a bit more detail …
- Mother of two incredible young women (this has been, and will be, my greatest contribution to the world)
- 2020 I was appointed as a University of Tasmania Associate and in 2022 as a University Lecturer in Health and Human Services teaching Masters in Leadership students in mindfulness, self-awareness and self-regulation. I continue to work in this role
- Batchelor of Science (Auckland University, New Zealand 1984 – 86) dabbling in maths, chemistry, botany, zoology, pharmacology, biochemistry and landing most at home in ecology
- Body Therapist 1988 Licensed in Oregon, USA and working one-on-one with people for 13 years, until 2001. Modalities of study include therapeutic massage, sports massage, acupressure, craniosacral therapy, hakomi (body centred psychotherapy), and PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation)
- Physiotherapy Training 1992 – 1993 went unfinished as I chose to prioritise mothering
- Yoga Teacher Certification programs (IYTA 1989, Anusara Yoga Certified 2003, Restorative Yoga Trainer 2007)
- Participated in numerous retreats, trainings, and workshops, exploring many aspects and approaches including:
- the alignment detail of Iyengar yoga with Felicity Green, Mary Paffard, Janet Hochfeld, and somewhat briefly with BKS Iyengar himself on his 1992 visit to New Zealand
- the inspiration of so many Anusara teachers including John Friend, Desiree Rumbaugh, Sianna Sherman, Darren Rhodes and others
- the fluid, feminine yoga of Angela Farmer, Donna Farhi’s sensitive tuning to inner and outer body congruence, Judith Hanson Lasater’s commitment to restorative practices and movement for healthy joints and other teachers of yoga asana
- iRest yoga nidra with Richard Miller
- meditation with Carlos Pomeda and Sally Kempton
- yoga philosophy with Douglas Brooks
- fascial wellness training with Divo Muller and Robert Schleip
- pain science with NOI group. I am grateful to all these teachers for sharing their gifts
- Teaching workshops both in Hobart and when invited in other locations including Wellington, New Zealand, Melbourne, Darwin, Brisbane (teaching Embodied Anatomy annually to yoga teacher trainees from 2015), as well as presenting at the 2012 and 2015 Yoga Australia conferences
- Exploring different modalities of movement, approaches to mindfulness meditation and mind-body integration
- Food gardener, gatherer, & preparer
about aligned living
Aligned Living Tasmania is the integration and evolution of my quest for connection and contribution. The symbol is the tree that I hand drew in 1993 when pregnant with my first child. The image immediately brought a feeling of expansion and grounding in equal and balanced measure. It became the symbol of Yoga from the Heart in 2002 when I moved to Tasmania and we grew together into a thriving central studio in Hobart with fabulous teachers and a wide community. In 2017 the symbol gave birth to another form, which is now the Aligned Living Tasmania image. The tree symbol has been, and continues to be, my teacher and guide. It symbolises the inner and the outer, the individual and the universal, and serves to help me remember what each of us are at our essence.

about lutruwita (tasmania)
Lutruwita (Tasmania) is a heart shaped island state of Australia, 240 kilometres off the south eastern edge of the big island of Australia. Lutruwita is located between latitudes 40 degrees and 44 degrees south, and between longitudes 143 degrees and 149 degrees east.Tasmania is 315 kilometres west to east and 286 kilometres north to south. It is comparable in size to Scotland (UK), West Virginia (USA) and Hokkaido (Japan). 50% of our 68 thousand square kilometre island is terrestrial reserves or national parks with the largest national park (6 thousand square kilometres of one of the most remote and inaccessible areas in Australia) listed as world heritage wilderness in the southwest. Lutruwita’s aboriginal people, the palawa people, are the traditional custodians of this land which is home to incredible plant and animal life, including many species native only to this island which also currently houses about 540 thousand humans. Lutruwita enjoys a temperate maritime climate, with four distinct seasons but not vast extremes of temperature. Summers are mild and winters cool. Lutruwita is often referred to as an island paradise and those of us lucky enough to live here think that is pretty close to true.