yoga courses
I offer a variety of courses, with different focuses, available for a variable amount of time. Please scroll down to find out what is on offer and feel free to contact me anytime if you have any questions, or would like any suggestions from me as suitability for you and where you are currently at on your path. If yoga and my approach is totally new to you I suggest you begin with ‘foundations of yoga’. Enjoy.
I love immersing in Clare’s themed sessions over several weeks. It’s so fulfilling to digest the richness of her offerings on a true journey of discovery. Her classes resonate and nourish on every level.

foundations of yoga
In this course I offer, in a clear and heartfelt way, the principles of yoga so that you experience the wonder, the potential, and the efficacy of the practice as it applies in your own life.
This course is for you if:
- you are new to yoga. This is a sound starting point, providing a base for your next step, be it with me, with this method, or in another style of practice.
- you have been practicing yoga for a while and want to ground yourself in a framework of perspective, alignment, and action that can help you further your practice.
- you are wanting to engage with classes with me. This course gives a solid grounding to understand the ‘why’ of the language and cues used to guide you.
When you enrol for the course you will receive immediate access to all 5 sessions and will retain access for a full 6 weeks. Please give yourself time to assimilate the content of each session before moving on to the next one. In the studio, this course has been offered as a one session per week program, so that is a suggested approach to consider for this course.
6 weeks’ access

spotlight sessions
When you enrol for the course you will receive immediate access to 30 classes. Ten ‘essential’ shorter and less challenging sessions and ten ‘expansive’ longer and more challenging sessions, and 10 shorter and fairly challenging practices. From the date of purchase you will retain access for a full 3 months.
Session 1: feet, ankles shins
Session 2: knees & thighs
Session 3: hips
Session 4: pelvis
Session 5: vital core
Session 6: spine
Session 7: chest
Session 8: shoulders
Session 9: hands
Session 10: self-regulation
This course is for you if:
- you would like to take a little more time on a specific area of your body, exploring anatomy, alignment, and balance of strength and mobility
- you have a body and are interested in greater self awareness and understanding of this amazing gift of a body
- you are a teacher and would like to get a greater sense of specifics in asana practice
3 months access

guideposts for wholehearted living
Brene Brown, in her 2010 book ‘The Gifts of Imperfection’ outlined 10 guideposts for wholehearted living. In this series of classes we explore and embody these guideposts in our practice. The course as a whole offers a balanced practice over the 10 sessions, touching on all the main categories of yoga poses and including rest, breath, and inspiration through poetry or prose for each theme.
This course is for you if:
- you are seeking to live on the ‘mobius’ where your inner and outer life is one in the same, where you deep values and truths inform your actions in the world
- you are a teacher seeking to inspire your students in tangible ways that integrate into their lives
3 months access

neuroscience informed practice
Our understanding of neuroscience is rapidly expanding. It seems to me that shedding old information and embracing the new is a challenge of our times. My ongoing quest to embody, ground, and apply my current integration of some key ideas from neuroscience as I understand them will be revealed in this course which I do hope will serve you well.
This course is for you if:
- you are curious about your body, mind, and nervous system and how your yoga journey can be enhanced and informed by new understandings
- you are a teacher seeking to add sound principles that apply and serve all those you share the practice with
3 months access

elemental yoga
In this course we explore and embody the elements of Space, Water, Fire, Air and Earth, on a 5 session journey which, as a whole, offers a balance of posture categories, principles, and practice.
When you enrol for the course you will receive immediate access to 10 classes. Five ‘essential’ shorter and less challenging sessions and five ‘expansive’ longer and more challenging sessions. From the date of purchase you will retain access for a full 10 weeks.
Please explore them all and be mindful that what feels familiar, ‘normal’ and comfortable may be your own flavour of elemental dominance.
You might feel drawn to repeat the familiar. I invite you to explore what feels opposite to your tendencies, and you may well feel a greater balance and equilibrium.
This course is for you if:
- you are interested in a yoga journey exploring deeply the elements in you and all around you
- you have are curious about your tendencies from an elemental or ayurvedic perspective
- you sense that the seasons of life, seasons of the year, and daily rhythms can bring imbalances and would like to be empowered to create balance from within
10 weeks’ access

fascial wellness
We are now seeing that everything is interconnected, we do not function as machines, and nor does the world. We can’t change or fix a part and ignore the whole. Fascia not only connects, it separates, allowing sliding and gliding between layers. We now know that in the lower back, at a microscopic level, the layers of fascia need to be free to move relative to one another to prevent lower back pain, one of the most pervasive issues of our time.
In this course we explore our practice as a way to maintain optimal fascial health, function and vitality, enhancing the qualities of stability, freedom, fluidity, elasticity, sensitivity, and responsiveness.
When you enrol for the course you will receive immediate access to 10 classes. Five ‘essential’ shorter and less challenging sessions and five ‘expansive’ longer and more challenging sessions. From the date of purchase you will retain access for a full 10 weeks.
This course is for you if:
- you have a body, or from a yoga perspective, 5 bodies (koshas)
- you are interested in lifelong wellness and vitality
- you are feeling discomfort, stiffness, or lack of mobility
- you are recovering from injury, surgery, or suffering the effects of repetitive strain
10 weeks’ access

loops of alignment and action
In this course, we explore and embody the 7 loops described in Ansuara Yoga. When I first learned this model in the 1990’s it was a game changer for my practice and my life. I continue to share this model in my offerings to others, though these days, often not in this explicit language, and with an aim to encourage an embodied nuanced application in you to meet your own unique needs and structure, remembering that any model is a map and not the territory.
We will explore from the ground up, literally.
This course is for you if:
- you have done the foundations of yoga course and would like to explore the concept of loops more thoroughly
- you are curious about alignment ideas that are woven through your yoga journey with me, the ‘loop’ word I occasionally drop in, and woudl like a bigger picture view of how loops relates to one another
- you are a teacher seeking to add sound principles that apply and serve all those you share the practice with