As Sarah, my gifted and encouraging website goddess aka @Alined Design prods me to take the leap to launch the Aligned Living site I reflect on the story of hanuman the monkey God from the Indian Epic the Ramayana. He is said to be the son of the wind, though did not know it and thought he was an ‘ordinary’ monkey. He was devoted to Rama, whose partner Sita had been captured by the Demon King Ravana. Rama asked Hanuman to help find her and through his fierce devotion he did what Rama requested, despite his doubts and fear. Hamuman leapt over the sun to get to Lanka, one leg forward, one leg back in the pose Hanumanasana (front splits). He courageously gave his all, attempted things he did not know he could do, succeeded, and through that came to realise the innate powers he had always had inside Hanuman is a symbol for strength of heart, devotion to something beyond ourselves, and finding our own innate strength of heart and contribution to the world. All of us have times when life invites us to take a courageous leap which asks for letting go and being strong at the same time. Our leaps can be obvious external ones, like moving to a new place, leaving a job, taking on study, committing to a relationship, leaving a relationship, starting a new venture, having a difficult conversation, being honest with ourselves, or someone else, changing our habits, or launching a website. What is the great leap asking for your courage and your deep trust and knowing at this time in your life?