courageous contribution

courageous contribution

Hanuman is a symbol for integrity, contribution, strength of heart and devotion to something beyond himself. Through literally taking the leap he came to know himself as more than he thought he was (he found out that he was the son of the wind!).All of us have times...


The week of the spring equinox, one of the two equinoxes in the year where length of daylight and length of night are balanced. It is a tipping point, a pause, as we move into the time of year that is dominated by light. This week we honoured the pause through firstly...
Spring cleaning, decluttering and clearing

Spring cleaning, decluttering and clearing

With the support of the energy of spring all around us, we are invited to widen our vision, to open to the possibilities … for the new to come, we need to let go of the clutter. Just as our cupboards and wardrobes can get full and we can’t fit anything else in, we...
Our choices matter

Our choices matter

Genetics describes DNA sequencing, but the new field of epigenetics sees that genes can be turned on and off and are influenced by our environment and behaviours (inner and outer) and not only that, these changes can be passed on to future generations. In our yoga...
Change your shape, change your state

Change your shape, change your state

I find it a wondrous thing that our bones do not touch each other! We occupy the contained space created by compression and tension. Fascia adapts to how we use our bodies, if we sit for long periods our fascia forms tension patterns, if we spend a lot of time with...


The last few years I’ve had an overarching word for the year. A couple of years ago it was EASE, last year it was CONTRIBUTION. This year it is INTEGRATION. Integration can be defined from a couple of angles, one is that integration is combining into wholeness, it can...