notes & news

'notes & news' began in response to requests share writings, poetry, thoughts, philosophy, research, or inspirations woven into what I offer in conversation, classes, and workshops ... enjoy browsing
Nourishing Winter Solstice Seeds

Nourishing Winter Solstice Seeds

The Winter solstice is a time of nurturing and nourishing seeds of our intentions, dreams and vision that are coming to light in ourselves and in the world.  At the Yoga from the Heart studio, our community added 'seeds' to the tree and I have...

You are light in form

You are light in form

I love the idea yoga offers that we are light in form. Prakasa is the source light and Vimarsha the power by which we know ourselves (and everything else) as a unique expression of that light. I had a teacher liken this idea to the light that...

Bringing effort to grace

Bringing effort to grace

In my life with my adult children and my aging mother I am challenged to find a balance between offering my help and guiding, and letting go and trusting their path and that they will find their own unique way, their own solutions, their own...