Yoga philosophy offers the very useful concept of the Kanchukas. Kalā, one of the kanchukas is the cloak has us feeling as though we need to do more, or do something different or strive harder to be ok. As a reforming perfectionist and constant do-er this kanchuka is one that for me is very familiar.

Last week I wasn’t well, and didn’t teach my Wednesday class. It is always hard for me whenever I need to cancel anything due to illness. When I am unwell the veil descends and I my tendency is to strive to keep going and even try and do more (which might result in cleaning out a dusty cupboard!). Relentless and compulsive ‘doing’ can be so depleting. When we pause, rest when we need to, and regularly do our practices that invite us to experience our innate worthiness and access an abundance inside that is connected to an infinite source, then we ‘step into the currents of Grace’. Our actions can arise with ease and joy. We ‘do without doing’ as the Tao says.

I am a lot better now at catching myself and remembering this. I am better at surrendering and letting go of doing when it is time to rest.

Our practice invites us to live in the world as human beings connected to a greater wholeness rather than human doings charging around dissatisfied and depleted. And we get to help others remember … for we all forget, in one way or another


Tao de Ching