Bringing Meaning to Life
welcoming the meeting of soul and rolethis was offered as a one day urban retreat and we are anticpating offering it as an online series
dates and format to be announced
‘Bringing Meaning to Life’ is a full day retreat based on the approach to reflective inquiry of sociologist, educator, author and activist, Parker J. Palmer and the Center for Courage & Renewal.
This day will offer an opportunity to explore the Map of Meaning framework as a way to take intentional action toward a meaning filled life. Processes offered will bring an invitation to listen deeply to your inner knowing and recognise it as connected to a greater whole.
We will have time for personal reflection, embodied enquiry and creative exploration as well as sharing in small and larger groups. You will leave with a simple, profound, and inspiring framework you can return to again and again.
What is the Map of Meaning
Based on over twenty years of empirical research in many countries, the Map of Meaning brings into one simple Map the intrinsic drivers that lie at the heart of meaningful work and a meaningful life.
The Map of Meaning is simple, profound and universal. Humans instinctively know what is meaningful to them and what is not. You can find out more about the Map of Meaning here.
The Map of Meaning:
- is not a theory. It’s a rigorously researched and proven tool reflecting human experience of meaning in work and life.
- helps us make sense of what we experience as meaningful and why.
- shows us the way to create more meaning for ourselves.
- gives us language to talk about meaning.
What does it mean to bring soul and role together?
This video of Parker Palmer from the Centre for Courage & Renewal offers the metaphor of the mobius for the joining of soul and role in our lives.
This offering could be for you if …
- You want to live a life of meaning and balance
- You want to bring your values and ethics more fully into action in your life
- You are in a time of transition and seek a meaningful way forward
- You feel stuck in a rut and sense there is more meaning to be found in your life
- You sense there is more of you to be explored and expressed
- You are seeking balance between meeting the needs of others and meeting the needs of self
- You yearn to hit the pause button in your busy life and find a balance between being and doing
your facilitators:
Clare Raffety (BSc, Level 3 Yoga Teacher) is a Courage & Renewal Faciliatator and is qualified in various body-mind-heart integrative practices. Clare has developed and facilitated numerous workshops, retreats, and trainings over the last 35 years, is a Lecturer at the University of Tasmania in Health and Human Services Leadership, co-facilitator of trainings with Adventure Works Australia and consults with organisations in wellness and team development. Clare has trained in Non-Violent Communication, is a certified Map of Meaning practitioner Clare’s passion is to hold safe and trustworthy space for individuals, groups, and teams inviting connection with the ground of being and the guidance, joy, and nourishment such connection makes accessible.
Siobhan Harpur With a career commitment to the authenticity of ‘people power’, Siobhan started in community development – established co-operatives and social enterprises in Europe and the USA, and partnerships in mental health and cancer care that led to her move to Tasmania, Australia in 2001. Siobhan was Tasmania’s Director and then CEO of Public Health Services from 2010, and has held C-Suite level executive positions for more than 20 years. Her tenacity influences action for positive health and wellbeing – from tackling health inequities to applied systems approaches for citizen agency. As a Certified Practitioner of the Map of Meaning, Siobhan is passionate about the conversations of meaning and purpose that enable teams and organisations to thrive in their service. She works with visual collaboration strategies to bring people together in their strategy, vision, agenda setting or problem solving.
Online via zoom